Steam Flow Measurement

steam flow meter

Measure super-heated steam flow


Steam is extremely difficult to measure due to its intrinsic fluid qualities and practical use, especially across a wide range of flow rates. Steam users are needed to measure steam flow for plant efficiency, energy efficiency, process control, and cost objectives. Energy cost accounting, energy conservation, monitoring, and targeting strategies are now widely used in many industrial and commercial businesses. These tools help you save money on electricity. Most flowmeters designed to measure the flow of various liquids and gases are currently available to measure the flow of steam. Only a few have been designed expressly for sensing steam flow.


Why measure the steam?

For proper steam housekeeping, a steam flowmeter is a must-have tool. It gives you the information you need to run a plant or a building efficiently, such as how much steam is used and how much it costs. The following are the key advantages of employing steam flow metering:

  • Plant productivity: A good steam flowmeter will show the steam flow rate to a plant item over its entire operating range. The steam flow meter is also used to track steam demand, establish steam peak uses, and determine which parts of the plant consume the most steam. Using a steam flow meter, it is possible to change production methods to minimize steam use.
  • Efficiency in terms of energy use: steam flowmeters can be used to track the progress of energy-saving initiatives and to compare the performance of different plant components.
  • Controlling the process: A steam flow metering system’s output signal can be used to manage the amount of steam provided to a process and indicate if it is at the proper temperature and pressure.
  • Custody and costing: At various phases of the manufacturing process, steam can be costed as raw material, allowing the true cost of individual product lines to be determined.


Uses of a steam flow meter:

The differential pressure flow meter is one of the most important types of steam flow meter. Differential pressure flowmeters rely on pressure changes when steam passes through a nozzle, aperture, or venturi. This pressure difference indicates flow velocity, which can be used to calculate the flow rate. It can be used for the following purposes:

  1. A steam flow meter is applicable for measuring flow rates of saturated and superheated steam and mass flow rates of boiler feed water in closed conduits.
  2. It is used to measure the flow of saturated (100°C to 300°C) and super-heated (300°C to 600°C) steam in closed conduits for pressures up to 30 bar.
  1. It can be used as a heat energy transfer meter to measure thermal energy using various fluids (including thermic fluids and thermic oils), which are being used as the heat transfer medium.


Manas steam flow meter, SFMc-150

Compact Steam Flow meter

Manas steam flow meter is a completely engineered package to suit user requirements. Hence, there is no hassle during installation. There are no moving parts, and hence the unit works without problem for a long time. No wiring connections are required during installation. Installation is easy because very little care needs to be taken at the site during installation to avoid leakages.




Manas Microsystems is a leading provider of Steam Flow Meters in India, offering high-quality and reliable meters for a wide range of applications.

For more information on Manas Steam Flow Meter, reach us at

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